Classified Reading

Hola! Everyone,

Many of you emailed and wanted to know about the methodology involved in Classified Reading,thank you for writing to me.

Let us begin by recollecting the first presentation of classified pictures in Casa Dei Bambini.Taking on from that we have classified reading which can be presented to the child at 4 or 4.5 years.

The material :- SET 1- Pictures and a set of name of strips

SET 2- Pictures with names printed or written to act as a control of error.

The material can be made very easily,using printouts or magazine pictures,depending on the theme the teachers choose.

The direct aim of this activity is giving the child reading practice.

Before we begin this we must remember that the lay out is extremely important for the visual sense to be fully engaged as well.

Ensure the child is seated on your left.

Maintain regular eye contact with the child.



SET 1.presentation set

SET 1.presentation set

Learning outcome (pres)

Learning outcome (pres)

Match the picture and the reading strip

The material is ready to use and can be put on the language shelf for the child.The best way to put this material can be- zip bags such as these.Extremely easy to use,cost effective they can be color coded as per the teaching strategies.

Zip folders

Do write to me and let me know if you want me to work on any other material.


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